Friday, May 16, 2008

How about them Apples?

Welcome yourself to America-The fast food nation. Where everyone sits around on their asses not actually giving a damn about anyone or anything. The country where everyone is fat, happy, and over payed. The Mindless frivolity is enough to make one wish they lived in a less organized, more productive society. It could span from high schools telling students with a 3.0, they aren't good enough to get anywhere in life . To workers, making $8/hr not being able to make ends meet. Since WHEN did the head of America inflate so large they can't see past the end of their noses.

Capitalism is becoming a pedantic, repetitive, place, every company making their own goal more pertinent than the rest. It's not necessarily selfishness of individuals that's translating into big business is it? Could it be that we're just boring ourselves and numbing our society day in and day out that quite possibly makes everyone so overbearingly apathetic towards everything but power and money.

Politics does not differentiate in the least. Everyone is living and letting live, and all that really happens is the gain of the capital rule with every half-way decent left OR right wing political (state and national) institution. It's put every baby boomer governmental revolutionist the idea that no one really gives a damn. The "me" generation never really woke up-ever-thanks for 20 years of bullshit guys! gotta love the apathy.

What people are lacking is the knowledge that everyone seems to long-NOT-for. How frustrating. What then, do people do? Will we keep letting proper ideals slip through their proverbial fingers-It's no longer against the rules to know what's going to know what's going on. That's my job isn't it? to INFORM. Generally if you're reading this, information is what you're looking for.

The problem here is standing up and the power of continuation of truth. How exactly does anyone plan on changing the world. If they can' simply get their asses up from the latest MTV hit, and look for a bit of qualified political and useful euphemisms that may at least help one form an opinion-have an OPINION! Don't stand by and let yourself think that because it isn't DIRECTLY relative to you, doesn't disqualifying it from effecting your quality of life.

Eat from the tree of CNN and CSPAN- The Daily Show and The Colbert Report will even suffice for a small bit of personal opinion-the issue at hand in society isn't Republican VS Democrat. It's people believing instead of idealising! That is a flaw in America society. Everyone sittin on their asses getting fat instead of standing up and moving forward.. It's not what the opinion is as lonas it's educated, it's that you have one-that's the bottom line.

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