Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Depressing State of our Nation.

I am just about through affiliating to one side or another. It's so completely depressing to me that people no longer search for level ground, about anything. Republicans want what the Republicans want their money, and their imperialism, their "Free Strong country." The Independants ignore everyone, and then you've got the "Hillary" Democrats fighting for women's right to be president and how great she is, and how wonderful our country could be if we could just put Hillary in the Whitehouse, as the say "again." Then there's the "Obama" Democrats that are "Choosing change," choosing change would be everyone go on a voter's strike and saying shut the hell up for a minute and let me think, to the media.

That brings me to the first depressing subject that poses our nation today. The media's overall effect on opinion, and moreso, it's sway in the election. In itself is throwing the entire nation around, leaving every last person to come up with an unintellgent opinion based on he said she said, and what they see on TV. Take a double take on what's really going on, and people may soon see that there's an intensely logical answer that's acceptable under every term of thinking. Every political, religious, and even personal thought affiliation there can possibly be to date.

I received an email today once again bashing the backround and religious affiliation of Barack Obama. This is such an unintelligent bias. If you don't like that he's so called "unamerican," don't bash him, just don't VOTE for him. One, you shouldn't care if he has a crazy uncle in Kenya, or a cousin named after Fidel Castro. Two, check your facts before sending that crap on, because it's fake. If you plan on spreading weird things, then keep it among yourselves, there are people in this world who look at who he is, not what.

Now, on to you Hillary lovers. United we stand, divided we fall. She's been instituting a lot of citizen involvement in the United States, I like that. What I don't like is Hillary's supporters complaining that Obama supporters are down on her, or give her no respect. What I like even less is that they aren't un based in their opinions. It's a little sickening, everyone in the Democratic party is yelling at eachother of Reuters/CNN/CSPAN and every other Political blog on the internet (besides this one, of course), getting nowhere and causing more conflict than it's worth. Call me a pacifist, but can't we all just get along? (and decide on a cantidate?)

Republican's, for once, are doing alright. Except for the whole Vietnam vet not supporting the GI bill. What's up with that? Is the Iraqi war not big enough for compinsation, or is it out of spite. Come on now John. Please, don't be THAT guy. Other than the capitolism/big business rich-getting-richer poor-getting-poorer, thing, Republican's have done ok at choosing a cantidate...I'm concerned with the running mate desicion.

All in all, this is my great frusteration. There isn't much more to put our country in a pickle than a wacked out election, and a war. That there, my friends, is the bottom line.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gas Prices Got you down?

Buy a damn bicycle. Carpool, get to work/class/whereverelse however you need to if you are that pushed for money. Or you could, get off your butt and walk. I have this idea that everyone would be 20 pounds lighter if we didn't have desk jobs and drove everwhere...I mean who all is guilty of keeping food in the drawers of your desk. I had a pint of ice cream today. But that's a topic for the upcoming "Why are we so big?" blog that I have in revision, stay tuned.

The point is, we as Americans are still paying about $4.00 less than the average European. They pay more than we do by the liter... That is, in itself a frightening thought. Everyone keeps talking about getting rid of the penny (that would raise gas prices too, by the way.) It's a daunting idea that we're all worked up about $4.00 a gallon, but what's even scarier is that in our inflated market, most of us can afford more than that if we'd stop doing other things, like driving over priced gas guzzlers, spending over $100 in one day, or even trading in our conservative savings accounts for checking accounts.

I'm sorry but I guess, I may be biased. I sold my SUV, that I was in love with, talk about the perfect car, for a little economy car that gets 35 mpg. Was I happy at first? no. Then I went to the gas station...That, put a big smile on my goofy face. I'm also a student, so I think that anyone who isn't 20 grand in debt to some education insitution, can afford to keep their SUV's...

The Bottom Line: We're going to make it people, just start riding those bicycles I hope you go buy.

Hybrid Embryo: Gene Therapy, or the Creation of Centaurs.

The whole idea about using the mix of human nuclei in the stem cells of animals (birds), is actually a good idea. Before all the neo conservatives jump on my shit about this, let me explain why I think so.

First of all, human and animal DNA, cannot combine to form a fetus. DNA of an animal and of a human being have completely different sets and numbers of chromosomes, it is, in fact, physically impossible to combine the two. Don't worry, we will never have a manchicken, a man with wings, or a centaur.

This is, a very very, good idea. It takes out the need for harvesting stem cells from humans, including aborted embryos. This would, of course, shutup the Christian vs Science need for human embryos. Wouldn't that just be great?....sorry, I'm aware that was untasteful and disdainful.

This research will most certainly help for gene therapy for cancer, tumors, mulitple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Hotchkins, and even Alzheimers. Yeah, I'll say it, Centaur science is a damn good idea if they can make it work. That's how it Bottom lines up.

Medievangelism: Part 2

Before reading this, you may want to read my former on this subject...same title minus the "Part2"

Here I am at work. At my crazy, not so entertaining desk job in a dank old State Farm Insurance agency, in all places-Eustis,Fl-When I realized why so many of us waste so much of our lives in front of a computer. For me it's personal expression, not many people are going to want to listen to what I have to say if I'm actually "saying" it. My opinions are far more entertaining if they are broadcast through the mind's eye...

Yet another reason a large, and not so vague majority of people spend so much time in front of the screened tunnels to having a fat ass or something else that there isn't anything to do in small places like Eustis. We have 2 gyms, one is a YMCA. Everything is so small here....Small town mentality involves either, getting drunk, running around somewhere you shouldn't be, or staying home, enjoying whatever frivolities there are. There isn't anything to do within an hour territory. Who wants to drive that far for a decent time, when you can sit home, watch TV, gorge yourself on whatever's in the fridge and talk to your friends...What more could you need, entertainment, information, and communication. I'll find more reasons for why we're so bored in a little while...maybe another Medievangelsim, for now I'm back to work.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Here we go again. Imagine this-a world where everyone is entertained by a flat screen that posts images acrossed it's screen for no other reason but frivolous fictional entertainment. A world where only the absolute most intellectual of people use it to get informed, and a percent of those don't really even care about the useful information that they are watching.
I find that fascinating, in fact riveting. How many of us waste hours upon hours of time sitting infront of the tube or computer watching silly shows, youtube,myspace, facebook, and dare I say, publishing a blog called "The Bottom Line" that probably reaches all of three people, that are probably just my friends that are wondering what I'm doing with my time.
The point is, why are we so driven to waste our time?! Why in the world are we wasting our lives doing things like this feeding production companies and writers, adding hits to someone's website, and staring at things that have no relevance to real life. How come, these days, people can express themselves to one another better in an IM, than in a face to face conversation. We even date and fall in love through the screen, what happened to good old face to face attraction. What was the last thing you laughed at that wasn't a reference to something else.
The worst part is that we're all guilty of it. Every last one of us. Especially me. I've had more in depth conversations through an IM than face to face and I spend over 4 hours a day on a computer, every day, not counting the days when I work, then it's just a disgusting amount.
These roots of evil are wasting our lives away, and surely we can find something better to do with our lives....right? Opinions totally needed. I mean, isn't this why we're so bored?

Friday, May 16, 2008

How about them Apples?

Welcome yourself to America-The fast food nation. Where everyone sits around on their asses not actually giving a damn about anyone or anything. The country where everyone is fat, happy, and over payed. The Mindless frivolity is enough to make one wish they lived in a less organized, more productive society. It could span from high schools telling students with a 3.0, they aren't good enough to get anywhere in life . To workers, making $8/hr not being able to make ends meet. Since WHEN did the head of America inflate so large they can't see past the end of their noses.

Capitalism is becoming a pedantic, repetitive, place, every company making their own goal more pertinent than the rest. It's not necessarily selfishness of individuals that's translating into big business is it? Could it be that we're just boring ourselves and numbing our society day in and day out that quite possibly makes everyone so overbearingly apathetic towards everything but power and money.

Politics does not differentiate in the least. Everyone is living and letting live, and all that really happens is the gain of the capital rule with every half-way decent left OR right wing political (state and national) institution. It's put every baby boomer governmental revolutionist the idea that no one really gives a damn. The "me" generation never really woke up-ever-thanks for 20 years of bullshit guys! gotta love the apathy.

What people are lacking is the knowledge that everyone seems to long-NOT-for. How frustrating. What then, do people do? Will we keep letting proper ideals slip through their proverbial fingers-It's no longer against the rules to know what's going to know what's going on. That's my job isn't it? to INFORM. Generally if you're reading this, information is what you're looking for.

The problem here is standing up and the power of continuation of truth. How exactly does anyone plan on changing the world. If they can' simply get their asses up from the latest MTV hit, and look for a bit of qualified political and useful euphemisms that may at least help one form an opinion-have an OPINION! Don't stand by and let yourself think that because it isn't DIRECTLY relative to you, doesn't disqualifying it from effecting your quality of life.

Eat from the tree of CNN and CSPAN- The Daily Show and The Colbert Report will even suffice for a small bit of personal opinion-the issue at hand in society isn't Republican VS Democrat. It's people believing instead of idealising! That is a flaw in America society. Everyone sittin on their asses getting fat instead of standing up and moving forward.. It's not what the opinion is as lonas it's educated, it's that you have one-that's the bottom line.